
The UWA Hockey Club celebrated its 100th year in 2024!


15 June 2024 Centenary Club Day 


A range of special edition centenary merchandise will be available from early 2024. There is still some available from the uniform shop.

History & Memorabilia

We are on a mission to collect photos and stories of UWAHC members from the past 100 years.

Player History & Memories 

All past and present UWAHC players are requested to complete this form, to share with us your biggest highlights on and off the field.


A QR Code

Use this link or the QR code above to share your photos from over the decades. All contributions are welcome, but please be more selective of the photos you provide of after 1990, given there are many more photos available of recent years.

If you do not have access to a Google account, you can email photos directly to CentenaryMemorabilia@uwahockey.org.au. For each photo, please ensure that you provide: 

  • The decade the photo was taken (and the year, if known)
  • A short description of the photo
  • Photo category, from: Hockey in action, team photo, social event, other
  • Identify any people in the photo (if known)

Get Involved

The Centenary year events and celebrations are all completely volunteer run. We are always looking for extra helpers, regardless of the time you could offer. Please get in touch with us at UWAHC100@uwahockey.org.au.

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