Junior President Jane Reid jpres@uwahockey.org.au 0402 655 028 |
Junior Registrar Mary Gwynne jreg@uwahockey.org.au 0412 144 884 |
J1/2 Group (Years 1 and 2) Fiona Farley fionamfarley@gmail.com 0439 897 368 |
J3/4 Group (Years 3 and 4) Emma Wood emma.k.wood@hotmail.com 0407 477 414 |
J5/6 Girls (Years 5 and 6) Marcos Benedit marcosbenedit79@gmail.com 0452 066 654
J5/6 Boys (Years 5 and 6) Tjeerd Groot tjeerd.groot@gmail.com 0488 993 124
J7/8 Girls (Years 7 and 8) Marcos Benedit marcosbenedit79@gmail.com 0452 066 654
J7/8 Boys (Years 7 and 8) Sam Cunneen cunneensam@gmail.com 0478 115 584
J9/10 Girls (Years 9 and 10) Liesl De Vries liesldevries2@gmail.com 0439 909 769
J9/10 Boys (Years 9 and 10) Joel Fulcher j910boys@uwahockey.org.au 0415 610 898
J11/12 Girls (Years 11 and 12) Rebecca Owen owenfam3@bigpond.net.au 0438 990 691
J11/12 Boys (Years 11 and 12) Ben Caine bencaine@gmail.com 0414 496 870
Skill Development Shayni Nelson shayninelson@gmail.com 0400 172 738 |
Social Media Volunteer required |
Uniform Christine Jones sausandpokey@bigpond.com.au |
Umpiring Volunteer required |
Equipment Jim Marshall-Andrew jmarshallandrew@gmail.com 0433 201 970 |
Bunbury Carnival Volunteer required |